
Screening System

At Tikal, we recognize the pivotal role that the screening system plays in water treatment, especially in the context of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs).Our advanced screening solutions are tailored to efficiently remove larger debris, particles, and objects from raw water.This critical

Controlling system

Tikal Water Control Solutions: Precision, Reliability, and EfficiencyAt Tikal, our water control solutions are engineered to bring precision, reliability, and efficiency to your water treatment processes. Our meticulously designed gates and penstocks play a crucial role in regulating water levels, managing

Inlet Compact

This essential component efficiently eliminates a diverse range of particles from influent water, serving as a preliminary treatment step before the wastewater advances to subsequent stages like primary sedimentation, biological treatment, or final filtration.1. municipal wastewater treatment2. industrial facilities Ask For

Nozzles System

Tikal's Nozzle Gravity Filter System redefines the landscape of water filtration with its innovative design and engineering. At its core, advanced nozzle technology ensures optimal flow dynamics, enhancing filtration efficiency and reliability. This system is meticulously crafted to meet the diverse

MBlock System

The M-Block filter bottom is a structural component used in water filtration systems, specifically in the underdrain mechanism.The M-Block filter bottom, with its well-designed underdrain mechanism, contributes to efficient and controlled water filtration processes. Ask For Consultation Ask For Quotation Tikal

Slow Sand Filter

In the realm of water treatment, few technologies stand the test of time likeslow sand filters, These ingenious systems harness the power of nature, employing layers of sand and gravel to purify water through a combination of physical and biological processes.Renowned for

Gravel filter

Gravel filters employ layers of varying-sized gravel for effective coarse particle removal, removing larger impurities before the water progresses to other filtration stages, ultimately contributing to enhanced overall water quality.  Ask For Consultation Ask For Quotation Graver Tank Features Filtration Medium:

Pre Filteration

Tikal places significant emphasis on pre-filtration in water treatment, considering it the initial stage of the treatment process.This stage involves subjecting raw water to preliminary filtration before undergoing further treatment steps.The primary goal is to remove larger particles, debris, and impurities,

Tertiary Treatment

Tikal our Tertiary Treatment System represents the pinnacle of water treatment excellence, providing a meticulous and advanced approach to ensuring the highest water quality standard.This final stage in the treatment process follows primary and secondary treatments, focusing on removing residual contaminants

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