
Ion Exchange

Tikal's Deionization (DI) System, also known as demineralization, removes ions from water, producing nearly pure water through advanced ion exchange processes to replace both positively and negatively charged ions with hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions, resulting in deionized water. Ask

Softner system

Tikal water softener system is a specific type of ion exchange system designed to reduce water hardness by exchanging calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions.It utilizes a resin bed in a tank to perform the ion exchange, and the system


The coagulation process is a pivotal step in municipal water treatment, ensuring the production of potable water.It involves adding chemical coagulants to raw water, destabilizing and aggregating colloidal and suspended particles for removal in subsequent processes Ask For Consultation Ask For


Flocculation after coagulation, gently stirs to form larger flocs from destabilized particles.It aids in improved settling during sedimentation, enhancing water clarification.Its main goal is to agglomerate particles, facilitating easier settling for further water clarification. Ask For Consultation Ask For Quotation Flocculation

Lamella System

Lamella clarifiers enhance the traditional sedimentation process by incorporating inclined plates or tubes, providing a larger effective settling area within a compact footprint. This technology is designed to improve particle settling efficiency and optimize the use of space in sedimentation basins. Ask

Lamella clarifier System

Innovative Water Treatment TechnologyTikal Water Systems takes pride in pioneering advancements in water treatment technology. Our Lamella Clarifier Unit stands at the forefront of this commitment, embodying efficiency, sustainability, and space optimization in cutting-edge water treatment solutions.The Lamella Clarifier or lamella


Tikal Scraper Bridge Precision Sludge Removal for Optimal Clarifier PerformanceThe Scraper Bridge is a pivotal mechanical component in water treatment, which deployed for the efficient removal of settled solids, sludge, or scum from sedimentation basins or clarifiers.At Tikal Water Systems, we


Effluent collection is crucial in water treatment, marking the end of the process. It refers to the discharged liquid, and it's vital for managing and utilizing treated water efficiently.Tikal Water Systems provides versatile solutions for diverse treatment needs, ensuring seamless water

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