
Dry Bed

Tikal Sludge drying beds, are an effective and environmentally friendly method for dewatering and drying sludge in wastewater treatment.These beds use natural processes, such as gravity drainage, evaporation, and exposure to sunlight and air, to remove water from sludge resulting in


Tikal provides 4 Types of Dewatering system 1. Belt Filter Press- Definition: A belt filter press uses a series of belts to squeeze water out of sludge, forming a thickened sludge cake.- Design Characteristics: Sludge is fed between two belts, and


Filtration stands as a fundamental process in water treatment, dedicated to removing suspended particles, sediments, and impurities from raw water.Tikal recognizes the significance of this process in achieving the desired water purity level, ensuring clean and safe water for diverse applications.Filtration

Water Hammer

Water hammer, also known as hydraulic shock, is a phenomenon that occurs in water distribution systems when there is a sudden change in the velocity of water flow.This change in velocity can result from rapid valve closure, pump startups or shutdowns,

Screening System

Tikal screening system in a pump station is a mechanism designed to remove large debris and solids from the incoming water before it reaches the pumps. The purpose of the screening system is to prevent these larger particles from entering and

Tikal One

TikalOne™, a pioneer division within our corporate framework, is strategically poised to revolutionize water treatment for small communities, ranging from 500 to 50,000 residents. Born out of a commitment to excellence and guided by the principles of precision and innovation, TikalOne™


Tikal crane system typically refers to the equipment used for the installation, maintenance, and repair of pumps, Basket Screen, and other components within the pump station.The crane system is designed to handle the lifting and positioning of heavy equipment, facilitating efficient

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