
Lamella System

Lamella clarifiers enhance the traditional sedimentation process by incorporating inclined plates or tubes, providing a larger effective settling area within a compact footprint. This technology is designed to improve particle settling efficiency and optimize the use of space in sedimentation basins. Ask

Lamella clarifier System

Innovative Water Treatment TechnologyTikal Water Systems takes pride in pioneering advancements in water treatment technology. Our Lamella Clarifier Unit stands at the forefront of this commitment, embodying efficiency, sustainability, and space optimization in cutting-edge water treatment solutions.The Lamella Clarifier or lamella


Tikal Scraper Bridge Precision Sludge Removal for Optimal Clarifier PerformanceThe Scraper Bridge is a pivotal mechanical component in water treatment, which deployed for the efficient removal of settled solids, sludge, or scum from sedimentation basins or clarifiers.At Tikal Water Systems, we


Effluent collection is crucial in water treatment, marking the end of the process. It refers to the discharged liquid, and it's vital for managing and utilizing treated water efficiently.Tikal Water Systems provides versatile solutions for diverse treatment needs, ensuring seamless water

Controlling System

In pump stations, controlling flow by gates refers to the use of gates or valves to regulate and control the flow of water through the system.These gates are strategically placed at various points in the pump station and are operated to


Tikal Sludge Thickener stands as a testament to efficiency, operational flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.Tailored for municipal and industrial applications, it plays a pivotal role in optimizing the sludge treatment journey, ensuring a streamlined and environmentally conscious process. Ask For Consultation Ask For

Dry Bed

Tikal Sludge drying beds, are an effective and environmentally friendly method for dewatering and drying sludge in wastewater treatment.These beds use natural processes, such as gravity drainage, evaporation, and exposure to sunlight and air, to remove water from sludge resulting in


Tikal provides 4 Types of Dewatering system 1. Belt Filter Press- Definition: A belt filter press uses a series of belts to squeeze water out of sludge, forming a thickened sludge cake.- Design Characteristics: Sludge is fed between two belts, and


Filtration stands as a fundamental process in water treatment, dedicated to removing suspended particles, sediments, and impurities from raw water.Tikal recognizes the significance of this process in achieving the desired water purity level, ensuring clean and safe water for diverse applications.Filtration

Water Hammer

Water hammer, also known as hydraulic shock, is a phenomenon that occurs in water distribution systems when there is a sudden change in the velocity of water flow.This change in velocity can result from rapid valve closure, pump startups or shutdowns,

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