
Filtration stands as a fundamental process in water treatment, dedicated to removing suspended particles, sediments, and impurities from raw water.

Tikal recognizes the significance of this process in achieving the desired water purity level, ensuring clean and safe water for diverse applications.

Filtration involves guiding water through a physical barrier or filter medium ranging from sand and gravel to activated carbon and synthetic membranes.

Tikal Design Features

  1. Nozzle Distribution System: carefully designed distribution system consisting of nozzles or distributors. Which ensures uniform water distribution across the entire surface of the filter bed.


  1. Underdrain nozzles: Tikal creates a special design underdrain nozzle to allow backwashing with air and water, Depending on the media that is used, nozzles can be provided with slot openings ranging between 0.2 and 2.0 mm.


  1. High Flow Rates:  Tikal’s Rapid sand filters with nozzle systems are designed to accommodate relatively high flow rates, the even distribution of water ensures that the entire filter bed is utilized efficiently.


  1. Fine and Coarse Media Layers: Similar to traditional rapid sand filters, these filters typically consist of layers of fine and coarse media (such as sand and gravel). The arrangement of these layers allows for effective physical filtration as water passes through the filter bed.


  1. Backwashing System: To maintain the performance of the filter, a backwashing system is incorporated. The distribution system ensures an even backwash, contributing to the effective cleaning of the filter media.

Tikal Advantages

  1. Uniform Water Distribution
  2. Increased Filtration Efficiency
  3. Reduced Channeling
  4. Enhanced Backwashing
  5. Suitable for High Flow Rates

Products Tikal Provide

1. Filter Nozzles

Offering a variety of filter nozzles to meet diverse water treatment .

2. Nozzle Slabs

Providing slabs equipped with nozzles for effective water distribution.

3. Sand

Supplying sand in all sizes for use in water filtration processes.

4. Gravel

Providing gravel in all sizes to facilitate effective water filtration.

5. Underdrain Piping System

Supplying underdrain piping systems for efficient water distribution.

6. Air Blower System

Offering air blower systems to support specific water treatment processes.

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